Protect your brand with a trademark
Trademarkability simplifies the trademark registration for individuals and businesses aiming to protect their brand and intellectual property without feeling overwhelmed.
Trademarkability simplifies the trademark registration for individuals and businesses aiming to protect their brand and intellectual property without feeling overwhelmed.
Integrated service with IP Australia
Simplifies the trademark process
Increases brand value
15 minute consultation with an expert
Search your desired word trademark / or upload your logo now
Select your classes and enter your details
Pay the one-time application fee and submit your application
Trademark application progress alerts
Our broad range of services provided by trademark experts address all your trademark needs.
Secure the exclusive rights to use, licence and sell your branding name or logo for a product or service.
Protect your trademark in multiple countries through a single application.
We search IP Australia's database and provide a report identifying obstacles to trademark acceptance.
Track the registration of new trademarks to identify potential infringement.
Take action against identified trademarks that threaten to infringe your registration rights.
Maintain the protection of your trademark registration every 10 years, forever into the future.
excluding GST
Standard trademark application in 1 class
excluding GST
Each additional class
Government Charge
IP Australia fee for each class